Gospel Meetings

A Lot Of Decisions, Mostly Bad
Ralph Walker
09/29/24 Gospel Meeting

Being Single, But Not Alone
Ralph Walker
09/29/24 Gospel Meeting

Three Teenage Mutants
Ralph Walker
09/29/24 Gospel Meeting

The Fork in the Road-Lessons from the Sermon on the Mount
Ralph Walker
09/28/24 Gospel Meeting

How To Build a House-Parable of Two Builders
Ralph Walker
09/28/24 Gospel Meeting

Following the Leader
Tim Stevens
04/24/24 Gospel Meeting

Rhythm and Pitch Pt 2
Tim Stevens
04/23/24 Gospel Meeting

Rhythm and Pitch Pt 1
Tim Stevens
04/22/24 Gospel Meeting

Come, Let Us All Unite To Sing
Tim Stevens
04/21/24 Gospel Meeting

He Could Have Called 10,000 Angels
Tim Stevens
04/21/24 Gospel Meeting

Song Worship Training Series: Singing in 4-Part Harmony
Tim Stevens
04/21/24 Gospel Meeting

Lesson 6 - The Final Act of Transmission
Mike Wilson
09/24/23 Gospel Meeting

Lesson 5 - Producing the Bible in English
Mike Wilson
09/24/23 Gospel Meeting

Lesson 4 - The Bible In The Middle Ages
Mike Wilson
09/24/23 Gospel Meeting

Lesson 2 - The Concept of a Book
Mike Wilson
09/23/23 Gospel Meeting

Lesson 1 - God Spoke
Mike Wilson
09/23/23 Gospel Meeting

Lesson 3 - The Transmission of the Text
Mike Wilson
09/23/23 Gospel Meeting

A Disciple Abides in God's Word
Edwin Crozier
04/26/23 Gospel Meeting

A Disciple Leads Others to God
Edwin Crozier
04/25/23 Gospel Meeting

A Disciple Loves Like God
Edwin Crozier
04/24/23 Gospel Meeting

A Disciple Learns from God
Edwin Crozier
04/23/23 Gospel Meeting

A Disciple Honors God
Edwin Crozier
04/23/23 Gospel Meeting

I am a Disciple (Class)
Edwin Crozier
04/23/23 Gospel Meeting

What Can Parents do?
David Pickup
04/08/23 Gospel Meeting

The Inner causes of porn addictions and the way out
David Pickup
04/08/23 Gospel Meeting